Locked Topics – especially the interesting ones!

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  • January 28, 2013 at 3:37 pm #1603

    Please don’t lock topics! Especially if they are promoting debate and generating honestly held opinions. I feel that it’s important that all should get the chance to express their feeling regarding a club which most members (i am sure) feel quite strongly about.

    Having said that though if you come into a clubs forum just to advertise your rival club you should expect to have your post deleted – i think that’s a fairly basic concept.

    I still do not completely understand the politics surrounding the EO/DO split – or the MEO merger, all i know is that some people i have come to think of as friends went one way and some the other. Personally nothing would make me happier than to see some kind of reconcilliation but i am realistic enough to know that this may not be on the horizon any time soon.

    As far as i am concerned i remain a comitted member of DO but i will also drive with EO as well – i really don’t know enough about the politics to join a “side” and i don’t particularly want to either.

    Anyway – the reason i was moaning about locked topics is over the new driver levels. I feel quite strongly that there should be a difference between newbies and intermediates – mainly because there is a distinct difference in the drive styles. Personally i think that a newbie should remain a newbie for at least 10 drives especially if they have no sand experience at all – of course the marshals can use common sense and upgrade members if they are joining with prior experience – but a newbie (ie a complete novice) should be restricted in the type of drive he can attend untill his skills have matured.

    I’m certainly not trying to be elitist here – this is common sense in my book. Taking a novice on an intermediate drive will only put them under pressure – and make the more experienced drivers frustrated. After 10 drives a novice will have logged around 30 hours sand time and have the self confidence to hit an intermediate drive running. I am happy for the marshalls to judge who is ready and by what stage (this is what marshalls are for) – but i really do believe we need two categories here.

    When a newbie gets stuck he thrashes the accellerator until he digs in and then stares out of the window (i did this myself not a million years ago!) – an intermediate will first attempt to rectify the issue himself and if that fails he will at least have his own tow rope and rated shackles (mind you i was on an intermediate drive not too long ago where one member didn’t have a shovel!).

    Well thats my ‘two pennies worth’.

    Opinions wanted!

    January 28, 2013 at 4:14 pm #22569

    A locked topic is like walking away from a fruitless argument.
    One cannot make somebody understand what they already know & understand…but still feign ignorance.

    There are certain basic rules of social behaviour even if one is the leader or post bearer of the group…and sadly…sometimes it becomes imperative to let certain disruptive elements go…for the benefit of the whole group.

    The Task force are working out the rudiments of a new classification system to be implemented soon & I appreciate your comments which are valid & have been noted, Thank you.

    January 28, 2013 at 4:19 pm #22570

    Andy, as Imran said earlier, we are all sons of the sand and we go to mother nature because that interests us. Gives us the reset button on the weekend to face the hardships at work! Keeping that in mind, noone wants to keep a topic going which is filled with negativity (IMO, that became a very negative topic). As you said, you do not want to know the details of the DO/EO split, or the MEO merger, so I will leave it at that. The MEO merger however, is very positive because we have missed these guys, and now they are back! ๐Ÿ™‚

    About the star rating system change, this is not it. The staff members are discussing the star system in detail and they will meet up to finalize the final model and that will be implemented soon. That will solve the questions going around right now because it will cover as many aspects as possible and try to solve as many problems as it can. So hold on for that ๐Ÿ™‚

    Again, about the locking topics, we are strictly against it and it’s not done till there is fear of it getting out of hand and then it’s done as a means of damage control for both or more parties involved. All the questions if you have will be answered by me in full honesty. You can PM me. It is very important to realize that different opinions will have a different version of the story. So it’s best if we leave it where it is and do not talk about the split again. Let’s drive together, come back home alive and unharmed. And just be happy with that. ๐Ÿ™‚

    January 28, 2013 at 5:44 pm #22577

    Sorry Imran we neither have the patience nor the time for these constant arguments…which are pointless anyway.
    Please spare us, Thank you.

    January 28, 2013 at 6:54 pm #22580

    Guys – Just to be clear:

    In my initial post was really trying to convey some disappointment in the fact that a club I have come to enjoy being a part of has fractured (I am interested in what has happened – as I am sure all members are, but I also think that its time to move on).

    Divorces are always messy in the early stages – and it seems like both parties are fighting over the kids at the moment – all I can say is at least the house belongs to all of us! Hopefully in time our parents will get back on speaking terms and the kids will once again be able to play happily together – until then we need to put this to bed and carry on with the business at hand.

    I agree with you that if a topic degenerates into a personal tirade it should be locked.

    My main point was over the new driver grading’s – I was disappointed as I couldn’t leave a comment regarding the new system!

    The ‘stars’ or ‘ranks’ business (although entertaining lol) is a side issue really, what we need is a simplified system which acknowledges different standards and recognises progress (I think this was the initial purpose anyway).

    My suggestion.

    1. Newbie – A beginner driver with no experience.
    2. Intermediate – A driver with at least 10 drives who can operate effectively in all conditions and understands basic recovery techniques.
    3. Advanced – At least 20 drives, can operate in all conditions, cope with the majority of recoveries, act as a sweep, lead drives under supervision.
    4. Marshall – (appointed by majority decision of existing Marshalls) Can do the lot!

    (now that’s just based on driving skills/knowledge alone – kit, equipment, commitment to the club are all other factors to be considered)

    Of course this wouldn’t be a ‘rigid’ system – if someone joins with a wealth of experience it only makes sense to elevate them quickly, whereas if someone is struggling it may take them 20 drives to make intermediate!

    Anyway – just a suggestion!

    January 28, 2013 at 6:58 pm #22581
    quote Andy19:

    Guys – Just to be clear:

    In my initial post was really trying to convey some disappointment in the fact that a club I have come to enjoy being a part of has fractured (I am interested in what has happened – as I am sure all members are, but I also think that its time to move on).

    Divorces are always messy in the early stages – and it seems like both parties are fighting over the kids at the moment – all I can say is at least the house belongs to all of us! Hopefully in time our parents will get back on speaking terms and the kids will once again be able to play happily together – until then we need to put this to bed and carry on with the business at hand.

    I agree with you that if a topic degenerates into a personal tirade it should be locked.

    My main point was over the new driver grading’s – I was disappointed as I couldn’t leave a comment regarding the new system!

    The ‘stars’ or ‘ranks’ business (although entertaining lol) is a side issue really, what we need is a simplified system which acknowledges different standards and recognises progress (I think this was the initial purpose anyway).

    My suggestion.

    1. Newbie – A beginner driver with no experience.
    2. Intermediate – A driver with at least 10 drives who can operate effectively in all conditions and understands basic recovery techniques.
    3. Advanced – At least 20 drives, can operate in all conditions, cope with the majority of recoveries, act as a sweep, lead drives under supervision.
    4. Marshall – (appointed by majority decision of existing Marshalls) Can do the lot!

    (now that’s just based on driving skills/knowledge alone – kit, equipment, commitment to the club are all other factors to be considered)

    Of course this wouldn’t be a ‘rigid’ system – if someone joins with a wealth of experience it only makes sense to elevate them quickly, whereas if someone is struggling it may take them 20 drives to make intermediate!

    Anyway – just a suggestion!

    :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

    January 28, 2013 at 7:01 pm #22582

    One more suggestion would be to have members put their convoy role down on the “drives done” part of the profile page when they log their drive eg: 27 July 2012 – Pink Rock – “lead” or “sweep” etc

    January 28, 2013 at 7:13 pm #22583
    quote Andy19:

    My suggestion.

    1. Newbie – A beginner driver with no experience.
    2. Intermediate – A driver with at least 10 drives who can operate effectively in all conditions and understands basic recovery techniques.
    3. Advanced – At least 20 drives, can operate in all conditions, cope with the majority of recoveries, act as a sweep, lead drives under supervision.
    4. Marshall – (appointed by majority decision of existing Marshalls) Can do the lot!

    I Like it….

    January 29, 2013 at 1:20 am #22588
    quote Andy19:

    …………………….Divorces are always messy in the early stages – and it seems like both parties are fighting over the kids at the moment – all I can say is at least the house belongs to all of us! Hopefully in time our parents will get back on speaking terms and the kids will once again be able to play happily together – until then we need to put this to bed and carry on with the business at hand.

    I agree with you that if a topic degenerates into a personal tirade it should be locked.

    My suggestion.

    1. Newbie – A beginner driver with no experience.
    2. Intermediate – A driver with at least 10 drives who can operate effectively in all conditions and understands basic recovery techniques.
    3. Advanced – At least 20 drives, can operate in all conditions, cope with the majority of recoveries, act as a sweep, lead drives under supervision.
    4. Marshall – (appointed by majority decision of existing Marshalls) Can do the lot!

    (now that’s just based on driving skills/knowledge alone – kit, equipment, commitment to the club are all other factors to be considered)

    Of course this wouldn’t be a ‘rigid’ system – if someone joins with a wealth of experience it only makes sense to elevate them quickly, whereas if someone is struggling it may take them 20 drives to make intermediate!

    Anyway – just a suggestion!

    Very constructive approach and nice suggestion Andy :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: I am with it :-BD ๐Ÿ™‚

    January 29, 2013 at 4:07 am #22590
    quote Andy19:

    My suggestion.

    1. Newbie – A beginner driver with no experience.
    2. Intermediate – A driver with at least 10 drives who can operate effectively in all conditions and understands basic recovery techniques.
    3. Advanced – At least 20 drives, can operate in all conditions, cope with the majority of recoveries, act as a sweep, lead drives under supervision.
    4. Marshall – (appointed by majority decision of existing Marshalls) Can do the lot!

    (now that’s just based on driving skills/knowledge alone – kit, equipment, commitment to the club are all other factors to be considered)

    Of course this wouldn’t be a ‘rigid’ system – if someone joins with a wealth of experience it only makes sense to elevate them quickly, whereas if someone is struggling it may take them 20 drives to make intermediate!

    Anyway – just a suggestion!

    Absolutely Correct Andy!!!
    The system that we are trying to work out is almost identical to the one suggested by you, The Task Force is planning a meeting to hammer out the details & the final result will be communicated once it is available.

    I am in agreement with your last statement too, some people may already be adept even though they may not have driven with us & then there might be cases of slow & fast learners as well.

    January 29, 2013 at 4:09 am #22591
    quote GKumar:

    quote Andy19:

    …………………….Divorces are always messy in the early stages – and it seems like both parties are fighting over the kids at the moment – all I can say is at least the house belongs to all of us! Hopefully in time our parents will get back on speaking terms and the kids will once again be able to play happily together – until then we need to put this to bed and carry on with the business at hand.

    I agree with you that if a topic degenerates into a personal tirade it should be locked.

    My suggestion.

    1. Newbie – A beginner driver with no experience.
    2. Intermediate – A driver with at least 10 drives who can operate effectively in all conditions and understands basic recovery techniques.
    3. Advanced – At least 20 drives, can operate in all conditions, cope with the majority of recoveries, act as a sweep, lead drives under supervision.
    4. Marshall – (appointed by majority decision of existing Marshalls) Can do the lot!

    (now that’s just based on driving skills/knowledge alone – kit, equipment, commitment to the club are all other factors to be considered)

    Of course this wouldn’t be a ‘rigid’ system – if someone joins with a wealth of experience it only makes sense to elevate them quickly, whereas if someone is struggling it may take them 20 drives to make intermediate!

    Anyway – just a suggestion!

    Very constructive approach and nice suggestion Andy :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: I am with it :-BD ๐Ÿ™‚

    One more to be addedd “Fewbees” as many drives are posting as Newbee & Fewbee

    1. Newbie – A beginner driver with no experience.
    2. Fewbee – A driver with atleast 10 Hr experience in sand or completed 3 drives
    3. Intermediate – A driver with at least 10 drives who can operate effectively in all conditions and understands basic recovery techniques.
    4. Advanced – At least 20 drives, can operate in all conditions, cope with the majority of recoveries, act as a sweep, lead drives under supervision.
    5. Marshall – (appointed by majority decision of existing Marshalls) Can do the lot!

    January 29, 2013 at 7:16 am #22601
    quote Andy19:

    Guys – Just to be clear:

    In my initial post was really trying to convey some disappointment in the fact that a club I have come to enjoy being a part of has fractured (I am interested in what has happened – as I am sure all members are, but I also think that its time to move on).

    Divorces are always messy in the early stages – and it seems like both parties are fighting over the kids at the moment – all I can say is at least the house belongs to all of us! Hopefully in time our parents will get back on speaking terms and the kids will once again be able to play happily together – until then we need to put this to bed and carry on with the business at hand.

    I agree with you that if a topic degenerates into a personal tirade it should be locked.

    My main point was over the new driver grading’s – I was disappointed as I couldn’t leave a comment regarding the new system!

    The ‘stars’ or ‘ranks’ business (although entertaining lol) is a side issue really, what we need is a simplified system which acknowledges different standards and recognises progress (I think this was the initial purpose anyway).

    My suggestion.

    1. Newbie – A beginner driver with no experience.
    2. Intermediate – A driver with at least 10 drives who can operate effectively in all conditions and understands basic recovery techniques.
    3. Advanced – At least 20 drives, can operate in all conditions, cope with the majority of recoveries, act as a sweep, lead drives under supervision.
    4. Marshall – (appointed by majority decision of existing Marshalls) Can do the lot!

    (now that’s just based on driving skills/knowledge alone – kit, equipment, commitment to the club are all other factors to be considered)

    Of course this wouldn’t be a ‘rigid’ system – if someone joins with a wealth of experience it only makes sense to elevate them quickly, whereas if someone is struggling it may take them 20 drives to make intermediate!

    Anyway – just a suggestion!

    :thanks: Andy and very good suggestion, i too go with it :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: and then all we too will know that where we are standing, which also helps us with regards to the progress in our self.

    January 29, 2013 at 7:40 am #22603

    Good Suggestion :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

    January 29, 2013 at 11:33 am #22618

    Andy Mate,
    No locked topics comments I’m ready to share most stuff with most folks.

    However I had been thinking after having read Kumars post on the topic that the recently re rated system wasn’t the best and seemed a bit rushed, my thoughts went along the lines that it’ll make it harder for Marshall’s to post a trip, plus the rating system made it easier for a divers learning curve being measurable to themselves.

    So great post mate from a Wiseman, sorry just that english humour thing ๐Ÿ˜€

    Looking forward to your first aid proposal getting into action

    January 29, 2013 at 1:27 pm #22636

    Thanks Brian – English humour, you can’t beat it – especially when heavily laced with good old fashioned sarcasm. ๐Ÿ˜€

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