Toyota 5 yrs unlimited mileage warranty.

  • Author
  • January 23, 2014 at 5:32 am #1928

    Hey Guys,
    Need some advice with regards to servicing my vehicle with Al Futtaim
    In order to keep the warranty valid. Every 5000 kms proves too expensive.
    Is the warranty still valid if I only do every 10000km svc with them and the
    Other ones privately. What would be the cons if warranty is void due to this

    January 23, 2014 at 8:00 am #28767

    Hi Leo,

    I would personally suggest you contact your service centre and ask. That way you will know for sure. It will of course be in your warranty contract too if you want to go through it.

    In my situation with my Jeep, as long as I can demonstrate a service every 10k then I am fine but yours may well be different.

    Also ask them for a quote for a service contract, whilst being an upfront payment it works out cheaper in the long run.

    January 23, 2014 at 12:17 pm #28771

    You lose your warranty if you miss even one service, this is as per my knowledge most of the warranty contracts, you have to check yours, as it should stipulate.

    January 23, 2014 at 12:47 pm #28773

    Hi Leo,

    I had the same question for the Service adviser when i went last. Feedback was: “The service we carry out will assure you of a smooth run of your vehicle for the next 5K Km’s, If you want to run 10K with it, its upto you. Should there be any warranty issues (Free replacements or drive train related parts), AF will point out at your extended service practice as the main cause, depending on the issue we may find it difficult to replace it for free”.

    Furthermore, the usual 5K service costs between AED 500 to 600. If you are extending the same & doing it at 10K, the Service costs Approx AED 800 to 950 (Without Engine flush – add another 330 for that if they ask you). Mind you, they are not using any specialty oil or parts, the added cost is for the apparent additional inspections/tests that is carried out by the technicians & the related labour.

    Above is my experience with AF for the FJ 2012, mine has a 100K warranty only. As Duncan has rightly said, it is best to discuss the matter with your service adviser. Depending on what you drive, your prices may vary with AF.

    Good luck!

    January 23, 2014 at 1:30 pm #28775

    My 2 fils on the subject…
    as part of AF’s business norms below may not be adviced by a service advisor but they would not object either if requested by the customer, which is:

    Ask for a synthetic oil which will last 10k kms & you get a lovely sticker on your door side which will read “next service due after 10k” so this way you dont lose your warranty & everyone’s happy ๐Ÿ™‚
    Recommended oil at AF is lexus 5w40…ask for this in your next service & all your below queries will be answered…that said the first such change will cost u a lil more as they will use an additional litre to flush/drain the existing oil…

    Besides, cost of this oil is the same as the one currently used in your car (TOTAL i believe) but interestingly the service advisor will be happy to give some discount on this oil which is not the case with TOTAL…reasons not known to me ๐Ÿ˜•
    Although approved by Toyota ๐Ÿ™‚ so now we know why the service advisors there dont come up with this suggestion ๐Ÿ˜•

    Leo, i thought this would benifit other members who have similar queries, hence the post!
    It was nice talkin to you this morning :yesss:

    January 23, 2014 at 4:29 pm #28778

    Thanks Razik, very apt and all parties happy except maybe for Total ๐Ÿ™‚
    I always get a lot of valuable inputs with the group.

    September 8, 2016 at 7:11 am #36437

    Hey guys.

    I am using this old discussion to ask you if you have any idea on how to service the car outside Toyota-AllFuttaim without invalidating the warranty?

    “Ministry of Economy has recommended that the warranty of vehicles shouldnโ€™t be affected irrespective of where the vehicle is serviced”:

    However, AlFuttaim told me that the warranty will be voided if I service anywhere else.
    And that this statement by the ministry has not yet put in practice by any law…

    Do you have an Idea?

    September 8, 2016 at 9:24 am #36438

    Hi Gallo,

    just my 2 cents:

    In the same article you linked in, is written the following: “In September 2015, the ministry had announced that all cars must be serviced at every 10,000km instead of 5,000km, the frequency commonly recommended by most car manufacturers. ” DO you think that any dealer has changed their 5k service routine? I think NONE of them had.

    The Supreme Committee for Consumer Protection at the Ministry of Economy (very catchy name btw) is just a committee with seemingly no real power. Hence better listen to AF to keep your warranty valid.


    September 8, 2016 at 9:38 am #36439

    @gallo as long as u have an fj u shudnt worry about warranty. From ur DP i c that u hav mods such as snorkel etc and u have technically voided ur warranty. Jeep is much more flexible when it comes to warranty claims n their dealer does not create any issues with snorkels, after market airintake etc.
    I run a 2016 fj and i have been servicing it from Shibu at bestline.
    The only thing which kills fj is dust n sand. As long as u can keep these away from ur engine by cleaning ur filter and replacing the fluids at regular interval nothing can go wrong with ur FJ. FYI the dealer had quoted me aed 1850 for 20k service and shibu did it for 350. Not only did he change the oil he even greased the shafts and the body mounts were also retorqued.
    Just my 0.02 cents.

    September 8, 2016 at 11:24 am #36440

    @Asim, thanks a lot for the comments.
    I trust taht FJ will not need any warranty (that’s on of the reasons why I bought it… So fed up of all little issues of my wrangler!)

    What people told me about warranty is that if you modify the car, AlFuttaim will invalidate warranty only on the modified parts (example, suspensions).
    Nobody quoted an issue with the Snorkel. Rather the airintake (which I have stock)…

    Therefore I hope this is still under warranty…
    I am curious if anybody had an issue with the warranty by any modification.

    September 13, 2016 at 6:14 am #36454

    As per my experience with Al Futtaim, I did renew my 30000 km service contract.

    They told me that vehicle warranty will be affected if any service is done anywhere else.

    My first contract was up to 30000 km wich is already done.
    The new contract is up to 60000 km and coasts around 4400 AED.
    This will include 40000, 50000, 60000 km services wich will cost 6200 if I did them individually.
    That means around 1800 AED of saving.

    Al Futtaim offered me to pay the 4400 in 2 payments, 1st at the cotract renew and the 2nd at 50000 km.
    So, that helped me a lot.

    Usually, dealers are required the service to done by them in order to keep the warranty valid.

    The big question is: Is the warranty real?

    I heard many stories that when a major failure happens with vehicle like engine or gearbox failures, dealers are trying to find excuses to not replace it even if it is under warranty.

    The easiest excuse for them is “this vehicle is used for offroad” wich is considered by them as “misuse”.

    So, I think warranty is not actual anyways.
    You might consider this before spending lot of money for the dealer services.

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