For those who wondered…

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    July 24, 2016 at 6:21 pm #2604

    For those, who wondered where the dune color Jeep Wrangler is riding and why it didn’t join the weekly drives in peak summer – let me give you a quick update.

    Well, I am still in Dubai but not for long as my yearly holiday will finally start coming Thursday ๐Ÿ˜€ .
    Left alone for three weeks by Ministry of Family & Social Affairs – a.k.a. Wife, I thought this is the best time to join our weekly rituals. But than, looking on the thermometer and seeing the ridiculous 45+C degrees (which is really not so ridiculous in Dubai at this time), I decided not to harm myself and the car – this should be fun over everything else, and if I don’t feel comfortable by any reason, why to press things…

    Nevertheless, I was not without fun in the past weeks: thinking about mountain & wadi drives, where the temperature might be more permissive, I did a Wadi Sidr/Sana run one weekday which was a relaxing and fun drive.

    This was followed by a complete Mussandam/Khasab trip, completed all alone ๐Ÿ˜ฎ :
    – 560 km in 11 hours, including a flat tire in the middle of nowhere (just coming down from Sayh Plateau towards Wadi Bih),
    – forcing me to return as without a spare tire and still all alone this ought to be not so much fun anymore…
    – thankfully 2 nice chaps helped me changing the tire and my full set of off-road accessories (proper jack, tools, etc) came also handy
    – returning to UAE and heading to Sharjah Industrial Area to buy a new tire as the flat one was dead,
    – reaching home at 4 pm (starting at 4:30 am though) in one piece and without a broken back (a.k.a. comfy seat in JEEP)
    – … this was all in all a truly satisfying journey – one that my wife will never heard of … :)) :)) :))

    Lessons learned ( :-B listen fellow DO members :-B ):
    – always carry proper accessories with you – including a spare tire obviously
    – have enough water, food and good spirit throughout the entire drive
    – never go alone to the mountains (wadis, desert, etc.) ๐Ÿ˜€
    – if you are stupid enough to go alone, have faith in yourself and in your rig ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ (but really, never go alone)
    – enjoy the drives despite all the difficulties you may encounter, as this is the reason why we are doing it. Easy drives can be made on tarmac, but for what for??

    See you all back in sand soon at the end of August – and hopefully in wadis and mountains too; still hoping that early morning drives will be arranged for all those, who don’t like the bloody UAE summer…

    Keep safe and have fun !

    July 25, 2016 at 2:06 am #36219

    Hey Gabor,

    Nice to hear from you and I was just actually asking someone last week where you have been. Nice to hear you are having some solo adventures. Those are great spots you visited and also make for lovely camp spots during the cooler months.

    Take care and see you soon!

    July 25, 2016 at 5:56 am #36220

    Hi Gabor,
    Good to hear from you again. I din’t saw you after that night drive with Joe and was wondering where R u? Last thing I know that u were busy fixing the bent axel for your Jeep. Do share your experience how you fixed it finally?
    Well it’s great to know that ur having fun and keeping the offroader spirit alive. Looking forward to meet you soon.

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