Inter/Advance SWEIHAN – 23 FEB

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  • February 21, 2018 at 8:44 am #2997

    Day and date: Friday 23rd February
    Location: Sweihan
    Level: Inter/Advance
    Drive Meet: 08:30
    Drive Start: 08:45
    Drive End: 12:30 at the latest.

    Meeting Point: To be shared via whats-app.

    This is will be at least a Inter/Advance drive and limited to 7 cars in total.

    For safety purposes only inter + with sufficient skills will be added.

    Convoy Type: There will be at least 1 convoy dependent on marshal participation. Max 7 cars including lead and sweep per convoy.

    Entry Requirements/Safety:
    Marshals decision on the participating fewbies.

    a) Carry air compressor with you and ensure it’s in working condition.
    b) Ensure your 4×4 vehicle is in perfect condition and with enough fuel.
    c) Compatible Radio is a must. You won’t be allowed to drive without one.
    d) Carry enough refreshments for yourself & co-passengers.
    e) Have an off road flag properly attached to your car.

    February 22, 2018 at 9:37 am #41191

    Yes change of plans and I can join. But I have to be back around 1.30 PM I hope we can find a way to get this organised.

    February 25, 2018 at 8:20 am #41195

    Thanks Francis and Ankit for a fast paced drive with lots of cresting :thanks: .

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