07 Jan 2012 – Welcome 2012, Saturday Morning Drive

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  • January 8, 2012 at 9:00 am #15266

    Many thanks to Tanseer for the wonderful drive. After the Al Hayer drive lead by Mr. Ahmed, this drive will be remembered as one of the very very satisfying drives. There were 9 vehicles with superb lead by Tanseer & Sweep by Sam. All the drivers performed very well which started just after 8am and continued till almost noon. All the side slopes, highest dunes and tricky areas behind big red dune were negotiated with lot of enthusiasm and aggressive driving by all participants. It’s nice to see some of the new comers to the club driving so well, showing their commitment in this drive. Except a pop out & one tricky recovery we had uninterrupted drive.
    Once again :thanks: to all participants,sam and Tanseer, can we have few more drives :drive: before it gets hot.

    January 8, 2012 at 9:05 am #15267

    Well it looks like the two posts above summarize the drive quite well.

    Great job leading by Thanseer and sweep from Sam. This was a challenging drive and all participants drove quote well. With the exception of the minor pop-out and rescue, the drive was extremely enjoyable.

    Many thanks to Sreedar for the Coffee.

    Looking forward to the next one.

    Enjoy the pictures.

    January 8, 2012 at 10:23 am #15270

    Thanks Brian for the great pictures! :thanks:

    January 8, 2012 at 11:37 am #15275
    quote Bdonegan:

    Well it looks like the two posts above summarize the drive quite well.

    Great job leading by Thanseer and sweep from Sam. This was a challenging drive and all participants drove quote well. With the exception of the minor pop-out and rescue, the drive was extremely enjoyable.

    Many thanks to Sreedar for the Coffee.

    Looking forward to the next one.

    Enjoy the pictures.

    Thank you Brian for the beautiful Pictures…

    January 8, 2012 at 11:43 am #15276

    Another one of the Satisfied Drive…..!!!

    Everybody reached the meeting point before the time except one. (That was me @ lead). But our life saving hero Sam_the_Man appeared there and took the convoy to deflation point. So we could start the drive as scheduled without any delay. Thank you Sam. We had 9 cars in total.

    As our previous drives after a short brief by Brian we started the drive by 08:15 hrs. We negotiated with most of the side slopes and the dunes on our way and everybody were performed well. Brian and Sridhar were middle of the convoy and help the convoy to move without any interruption. Our life sawing man was at Sweep. Thank you Brian, Sridhar and Sam for your support and all other participant for joining the drive and outstanding performance. I really appreciate the new members for how fast they are picking up the techniques. Sridhar, Thank you for the hospitality service provided by Sridhar & Sons Co. ๐Ÿ˜‰ in the middle of the desert.

    After giving respect to Big Red and made sure about nobody is hiding in between the dunes on top of the Big Red we moved to tarmac. At 11:00 hrs we were on the road.

    Over all I enjoyed the company and hope everybody enjoyed it. See you all on next drive.

    Thank you.

    January 8, 2012 at 12:05 pm #15282

    Fantastic trip guys. Great company and look forward to the next one soon!


    January 8, 2012 at 2:15 pm #15285

    Thank you Tanseer for your wonderfull lead, and the great support from Sam, Sridhar, Brian…

    It was very nice and we really enjoyed, looking forward for the next drive..


    January 9, 2012 at 12:00 pm #15297
    quote sridhara:

    Once again :thanks: to all participants,sam and Tanseer, can we have few more drives :drive: before it gets hot.

    Why not? Yes Sure…!!!

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