2-3 Stars Saturday Drive / 11th of Aug 2018

  • Author
  • August 7, 2018 at 5:36 am #3077

    Saturday Pirating

    Day and date: Saturday 11th of August 2018
    Drive Meet: 3:00
    Drive Start: 3:15
    Drive End: Sunset

    Drive Type:
    This is a 2-3 stars drive ONLY.

    Convoy Size:
    1 convoy of 6 vehicles.

    3. Neil_Fj
    4. Jibs
    5. Eloy
    6. Vipin
    (marshals are always welcome)

    Meeting Point:
    Will create a WhatsApp group with location (please make sure your profile phone number is correct on DO website)
    Drive start point will be within 1:20min of Dubai.

    1) Don’t sign up and not turn up – your stopping someone else from coming.
    2) Make sure you come on time!

    a) Carry air compressor with you and ensure it’s in working condition.
    b) Ensure your 4×4 vehicle is in perfect condition and with enough fuel.
    c) Compatible Radio is a must. You won’t be allowed to drive without one.
    d) Carry enough refreshments for yourself & co-passengers.
    e) Have an off road flag properly attached to your car.

    August 11, 2018 at 4:59 am #41711

    One space got free!

    August 11, 2018 at 5:13 am #41712

    yes gents, one space free.you better be fast ; )
    have a joyful and safe drive.
    thanks Alex

    August 11, 2018 at 6:17 am #41713

    Last minute issue. Can’t make it 😩

    August 12, 2018 at 4:13 am #41717

    Thanks Alex and Dennis. Really great drive we all had. Certainly one of the best I have been on.

    Some more Saturday drives please especially if they are as good as this one was.

    Thanks again guys


    August 12, 2018 at 1:31 pm #41722

    I am missing the drive already… Awesome drive Alex! and it was great driving with everyone who was there.

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