A very handy gadget…

  • Author
  • April 11, 2009 at 8:25 am #572

    I had seen this with one of the local boys in the desert…

    A simple stand built up of tubular steel/ iron, shaped in the form of a stool.

    Very simple yet very effective, does not occupy much space in the back of the car, too.

    This was being used to brew tea/ coffee to making Barbecue.

    Could somebody guide me to some place where this may be bought or fabricated?

    Maybe there are some other members too, who may like to have one?


    April 12, 2009 at 6:20 am #10768

    I avoid putting such things in my gear due to the sharp edges, but I saw similar stand that is foldable in the US for about $25.

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