Adventurous Exploration on 23rd of May’2008.

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  • May 20, 2008 at 9:43 am #3935
    quote KAT:

    indeed he did i also received a mssg from facebook but tbh i wanna kidnap Mr. Pervez cause it was so much fun just 3 cars ;p

    yes he did on MEOFFROADERS group but not the other one(Desert Club) i guess.
    i used to be the Admin but somehow Ali Kicked me out and sat on my chair 😀

    May 20, 2008 at 11:03 am #3937
    quote htawalbeh:

    quote KAT:

    indeed he did i also received a mssg from facebook but tbh i wanna kidnap Mr. Pervez cause it was so much fun just 3 cars ;p

    yes he did on MEOFFROADERS group but not the other one(Desert Club) i guess.
    i used to be the Admin but somehow Ali Kicked me out and sat on my chair 😀

    if you are talking about dubai desert club.. i dont think its a good idea to post our trip details in their website……. if any one intersted they can invite any club member to join with us for the drive……….

    May 20, 2008 at 12:12 pm #3939
    quote Desert Dragon:

    quote htawalbeh:

    quote KAT:

    indeed he did i also received a mssg from facebook but tbh i wanna kidnap Mr. Pervez cause it was so much fun just 3 cars ;p

    yes he did on MEOFFROADERS group but not the other one(Desert Club) i guess.
    i used to be the Admin but somehow Ali Kicked me out and sat on my chair 😀

    if you are talking about dubai desert club.. i dont think its a good idea to post our trip details in their website……. if any one intersted they can invite any club member to join with us for the drive……….

    its not the website its facebook

    May 20, 2008 at 1:44 pm #3940
    quote htawalbeh:

    its not the website its facebook

    wot i meant is tht….their communite webisite.. in facebook…..

    May 20, 2008 at 3:37 pm #3941
    quote KAT:

    indeed he did i also received a mssg from facebook but tbh i wanna kidnap Mr. Pervez cause it was so much fun just 3 cars ;p

    Who is Mr.Pervez??? the cat is suicidal again?? :taunt:
    Just call me Ahmed, all of you!!!
    So I see that we are really on!!!
    Do you Guys want to do the same route we did last time with Hussein & Catherine???
    That is a very nice & manageable route…and close to Dubai too…

    May 20, 2008 at 4:33 pm #3942

    its good idea Ahmad, anyway, we looking for some fun (nice and easy) or maybe u have a diff route

    May 21, 2008 at 5:25 am #3951

    had to go to the hospital yesterday and i’ve been confined to bed on alot medication… have some horrible painful infection thing going on behind my left eye : and dont see specialist till sunday ( so i don’t know if i will be fit for friday…. but will keep u posted as i was really looking forward to this trip..

    May 21, 2008 at 5:35 am #3952
    quote KAT:

    had to go to the hospital yesterday and i’ve been confined to bed on alot medication… have some horrible painful infection thing going on behind my left eye : and dont see specialist till sunday ( so i don’t know if i will be fit for friday…. but will keep u posted as i was really looking forward to this trip..

    Kat sorry to hear that and I wish you will recover soon. So what they said? They couldn’t give an answer till you see the specialist?

    May 21, 2008 at 5:47 am #3954

    they xray head said its incurable madness!! lol j/k it’s water buildup, have meds for pain and antibiotics and some other one.. specialist will see whats caused it.

    May 21, 2008 at 5:54 am #3956

    It’s incurable? Did he say that? Why he did? How come he can say something for that before you see the specialist?

    May 21, 2008 at 5:56 am #3957

    lol i was joking when i said incurable madness!!!
    they said its water build-up..

    May 21, 2008 at 6:02 am #3959

    Hehehe, 😳 😳 thank god I think it’s not very serious?

    May 21, 2008 at 6:11 am #3962

    heh better not be, probably not, just very painful. i think its just an infection that cause buildup/blockage. kinda been feeling crap since i got back from shanghai. so it’s probably just a lenghty cold or infection something. Anyway i’m not worried about it just bothered that i can’t get things done.

    Mr. Ahmed i need to go back on tht route so i can get up teh hill lol.

    May 21, 2008 at 6:14 am #3963
    quote KAT:

    heh better not be, probably not, just very painful. i think its just an infection that cause buildup/blockage. kinda been feeling crap since i got back from shanghai. so it’s probably just a lenghty cold or infection something. Anyway i’m not worried about it just bothered that i can’t get things done.

    Get well soon…

    May 21, 2008 at 6:16 am #3965

    great to hear that, dont care, things will be cleared one by one just let it to move as normal.

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