All Level PM Drive on Friday 31.10.2014

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  • October 31, 2014 at 7:19 pm #31251

    There was a good turn out for the drive today, enough Marshalls for 3 convoys… at arrival time the sky was looking overcast but didn’t put anyone off. 😀

    The fewbies convoy, consisting of five was led by zakariya and sweep was joe.
    The drive started out well but as timing has it, it had just started to rain, and wind pick up as we had the first pop out – this was fixed in record time and we were on our way again :ymapplause: …. by this time we were pretty wet.
    The drive swiftly continued and by the time it started to hail it was time again for our second pop out of the drive… unfortunately this one was not as quick to fix and resulted in a tire change. By this time we were all soaked, but still enjoying every minute. A quick look at the other tires made us realise that the drop in temperature during the hail storm had now allowed the other rims to sit on the sand. :(( Compressors at the ready we increased the pressure of the remaining three tires, which by this time were still leaking air at 35psi. A little bit of driving solved that issue, where once again the pressure could be lowered. We then picked up the pace where some intermediate manoeuvres were introduced and with only a couple of stucks made it back to the road for our exit at the end of the drive. Great weather experience, and again lessons learnt :-B … a fantastic drive today, thanks to all in the convoy for the support during the “tough periods” and special thanks to lead and sweep. :thanks:

    October 31, 2014 at 10:30 pm #31252

    Looks like a missed a great drive, with amazing weather 🙁

    See you all next week!

    November 1, 2014 at 9:05 am #31256

    Many thanks for making us feel welcome yesterday – it was enormously enjoyable. Many thanks also to the patience and skill of the marshals and rescuers who got us out of trouble but also took the time to dispense advice, tips and techniques.
    Finally thanks for laying on rain storms so that we felt at home – it all added up to a really memorable first drive – looking forward to the next time.

    PS Surprisingly no damage on the Tundra 🙂

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