[CLOSED] Gems of Sweihan – 9th FEB Friday Morning Drive
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Inter+ level Sweihan drive.
Day and date: Friday 9th Feb.
Drive Meet: 08:30
Drive Start: 08:45
Drive End: 12:00 at the latest.
Meeting Point: https://www.google.ae/maps/place/24%C2%B019’12.0%22N+55%C2%B025’10.2%22E/@24.32,55.4173113,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d24.320011!4d55.419508
GPS: 24.320000, 55.419500
Whats App Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/7OvHKukXTV984a5jGPNYVP
a) Carry air compressor with you and ensure it’s in working condition.
b) Ensure your 4×4 vehicle is in perfect condition and with enough fuel.
c) Compatible Radio is a must. You won’t be allowed to drive without one.
d) Carry enough refreshments for yourself & co-passengers.
e) Have an off road flag properly attached to your car.
Nice drive!
I will be off skiing so will catch up with you guys on later drives.
I has been long!
click on the link below to join the whats app group.