Easy Relaxing Drive to Iftar Bowl on Fri. 1st of Nov. 2013

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  • November 1, 2013 at 7:27 am #27798
    quote pulkitv:

    Need a snap pull while I am stuck in Technology, when I click on “Register for Trip”, message comes – “do you want to remove your Thanks”. Am unable to register for this trip.

    Buddy, you are not stuck in technology. It’s my laziness. I didn’t change the message displayed yet. Sorry for the confusion 🙂

    November 2, 2013 at 6:46 pm #27806

    Wow..wow wow..what a drive..the one of its type drive I have been longing for…after our Lisaily drive
    Humayoon…Great Lead buddy….and Ahmed Sb Great support by being all over there and with valuable guidance…

    It was an amazing drive…I would say the track you carved on those high dunes , ridges ,slopes and bowls… were not so easy to do…
    But I would say it was an amazing track…and I have enjoyed it having raised the adrenaline…Trust all drivers enjoyed too…

    It is great that, Though the convoy was slightly lengthy with 11 cars..we managed to maintain the momentum and reach on top of Iftaar bowl as planned..
    Great drive foks..Looking forward to have more…see you soon Insha Allah
    Drive safe..have fun…

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