Friday Afternoon Newbee+Fewbee Sweihan Drive 26.04.2013

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  • April 28, 2013 at 11:49 am #26211
    quote Iqsaan:

    The weather was as fabulous as the drive !

    I arrived at the meeting point at 2:50pm to find most of the DOers already deflated and ready for action.
    For many , this was the first outing to Sweihan and the anticipation was apparent.

    Marshal Ganesh split the group into three convoys…
    I was part of convoy 2 comprising of :-

    1. Marshal Ashok (lead)
    2. Gabriel (second lead) -FJ Cruiser
    3. Asif – Jeep JK
    4. Dhaval – Pajero
    5. myself – Prado 120
    6. Himanshu – Jeep JK
    7. Baher – Prado 120
    8. Farmvilnes (sweep) – FJ Cruiser

    Sweihan with its high dunes and tricky bowls lends itself to side-sloping and Marshal Ashok did not disappoint. The convoy spent most of the time horizontal to avoid those desert ghosts lurking in the tricky bowls . ๐Ÿ˜€
    Having successfully avoided the ghosts in Area53 and Ghost Town with nearly the same convoy last week , we continued our good fortune , proceeding at a swift, steady pace and arrived at the Sweihan oasis at 6pm with :-
    one stuck ,which required only a sturdy shovel and DO muscle to recover (For the record , NO ROPE was used during this recovery exercise ๐Ÿ˜€ ) and
    two pop-outs .(one at each the start and finish of the event) … in my opinion , these pop-outs were as a result of the harder surface caused by the rain.

    We were the first convoy to arrive at the oasis and the ‘play time ‘ allowed by Ashok was an excellent opportunity to further exercise our acquired skill sets.

    Marshal Robinson’s convoy arrived shortly thereafter and we all proceeded to the inflation point where after more chit chat we bid each other farewell.

    :thanks: to the marshals for organising this event and providing support and advice throughout the drive :ymapplause:
    :thanks: to Ashok for carving out a safe path , yet ensuring that we were adequately challenged and satisfied at the close of the day
    :thanks: to Gabriel,Kash,Asif,Dhaval,Himanshu,Baher & Ole for the wonderful company during our breaks ๐Ÿ˜• ๐Ÿ˜€
    :thanks: to the DO family present for making this yet another memorable and successful event :ymhug:

    … guess our marshals are already cooking up the next instalment :-ss ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Dear Iqsaan,

    Great report you covered evrything well. :thanks:

    Great :drive: with rain in Sweihan, Convoy sailed smoothly without any issues under lead of Ashok. :thanks:

    My family and guest from Germany enjoyed.

    Thanks to all marshals, senior memers and all co-drivers.


    April 28, 2013 at 5:40 pm #26218

    One of the fabulous drives I had so far , more so by the fact that Sweihan offered a variety of surprises to all the drivers .
    :thanks: to the Marshals for throwing all of us a feast of the sands and a cooooool rain !

    :thanks: to Ganesh , Robinson , Ashok ji, Sanjay , Amin , seniors and fellow DOs for making this drive a grand one !

    One good thing that was very obvious is that we ,all the three convoys started almost at the scheduled time. Thanks to the Marshals , Sweeps & all the DOs for making this happen. :ymapplause: :ymapplause: This gave everyone more time to play ๐Ÿ˜€

    A second time thanks to Ganesh for choosing the track and adapting it to suit all the members in the convoy and thanks to Amin for keeping a watch on us :ymhug: . :ymhug:

    Am sure that numerous words wouldn’t suffice to portray the fun we all had ! @-)

    :yesss: Lets look forward to many more drives and indulge in our passion to drive and have fun. ๐Ÿ˜ก ๐Ÿ˜ก

    April 30, 2013 at 3:13 pm #26338

    Its quite surprising that our Dada hasnt filed his report yet !! :p

    Usually , he leads us in that tooo ๐Ÿ˜€

    DAAAAADDAAAA ! Where r u ?

    Dada Come in please

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