General Announcements

  • Author
  • April 25, 2008 at 9:28 pm #47

    – The rules will be up shortly, this club is only about having fun so that will be a small list.

    – The homepage of the site is being designed, right now its just a redirect to the forums but soon the homepage will be up aswell.

    – The sections on the site are:

    News and Announcements: This section will only be used by the staff team to notify members on any changes made either to the site or changes related to the club.

    Need Help?: Please post all your questions and queries in this section and you will be assisted.

    Suggestions and Feedback: If you encounter a problem on the site or have some ideas on how either the site or the club could be improved, please right your remarks in this section.

    Guides and Tutorials: Many kind of help guides will be posted here relating the site along with tips on offroading. Please feel free to post some of your own guides aswell.

    General Chat: Talk about anything and everything here.

    Image Gallery: All the images and videos go in this section.

    ME Offroaders Trips: Information about trips will be provided in this section, users are welcomed to create their own topics here if they wish to lead a trip.

    Please follow these guides when you are opening a new topic from now, topics placed in the wrong section will be moved to the right section by the staff, thanks.

    Shoutbox will be added soon to the forums.

    Please pm me if you encounter any problem or wish to know about something specific in detail.

    – Faateh

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