Help Requested…..

  • Author
  • November 3, 2008 at 8:23 am #348

    Hi Folks,

    This has nothing to do with off-roading but I got this request that was sent to one of our presenters on our radio station and it is always good to spread the word around as any help would for sure benefit this suffering couple.

    It’s a genuine case as I have copies of Medical Records too and will be more than happy to mail it to anyone who wishes to see the same…


    Dear All,
    Please read the mails below from bottom to top and spread the word and help in whichever way you can. Her husband is still in Belhoul hospital and any contributions will go a long way in easing her already difficult situation with 2 kids barely 3 months and the other just over a year.

    Her Citibank account number is 1200476556 for any contributions

    My name is Ramsha Babar and my husband and I used to drive to work every morning and listen to your show. I use the word used to because from the past month and a half my husband was in ICU and has just moved to a normal hospital room yesterday.
    I want to tell you my story.
    We are from Pakistan we came to Dubai about 5 years back. Finally after a long struggle we had just gotten settled. I have two sons, one is a year and few months and the other one is three months old. Recently my husband had been complaining of gas pain, so I took him to Zulekha Hospital in Sharjah. The emergency doctor told us that he has lots of stones in his gal bladdar and one of them had slipped into his bile duct so they will have to do an ERCP to remove that stone. To make the long story short, the doctor made a mistake and ended up making holes in his small intestines, which made fluid leakage into his abdomen. Only after three days and lots of pressure from us did the doctor tell us (a lie he told us) that he has small fluid leakage and the doctors at Belhouls Specialty would be able to fix it and we will be out from there in a couple of days.
    When we went to Belhoul that doctor told us that this is not the case at all, there have holes made in his intestines and he will need major surgery with a very low chance of survival. Anyways he had the surgery and he had been in ICU for one month and ten days.
    Both of our insurances are finished and we are in debt of AED. 170,000. The fact is we need help. I have seen UAE help out many people in need and I pray and hope that someone can help out my husband and I . Charu my hubby still cant even eat, he is being fed by tubes and his pancreas is still not working. He has got four tubes in him. He just came off the ventoilator a few days back. He still cant even sit or move on his own. Its heartbreaking to see my husband like that. We are both 27 years of age, he is not that old.
    I dont want to continue to babble on the email. If you think or feel that there is any hope for us please let me know. These days I am staying in the hospital with my husband and will not be able to check my emails. My mobile is 050-2241641. Charu I am completly hoplessly lost. I could only think to ask you now, because I know people in UAE are very generaous.,
    With lots of hope

    November 3, 2008 at 8:59 am #8315

    im ready for it.. lets contribute some thing on behalf of MEO…

    what you guys say???

    November 3, 2008 at 10:37 am #8316

    I’m game for sure…

    November 4, 2008 at 4:58 am #8343

    What is the amount each one of us wants to contribute?

    100/ 500/ 1,000???

    Please put your name & the amount, Jessil will get it collected & deposit it in the citibank account on behalf of MEO on 10th of November ‘2008.

    Ahmed Pervez Dhs.1,000/-

    November 4, 2008 at 5:03 am #8344
    quote Ahmed Pervez:

    What is the amount each one of us wants to contribute?

    100/ 500/ 1,000???

    Please put your name & the amount, Jessil will get it collected & deposit it in the citibank account on behalf of MEO on 10th of November ‘2008.

    Ahmed Pervez Dhs.1,000/-

    it will be better we will go and hand over the cheque/money to the person..

    whoever wishes, not to reveal the name & amount please PM me.

    November 4, 2008 at 5:13 am #8345

    Contribution List.

    1. Ahmed
    2. Jessil
    3. Vinu

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