How to avoid road rage
- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by anilberry.
Hi All,
Road rage has taken many lives especially here, People have become so impatient and have no respect or in Law of the country that they try to take the things in their hand.
Following are the pointers I found on one of the website and i thought everybody should read and follow these.
DON’T OFFEND – When surveys ask drivers what angers them most, the results are remarkably consistent. A few specific behaviors seem unusually likely to enrage other drivers
When you merge, make sure you have plenty of room. Use your turn signal to show your intentions before making a move. If you make a mistake and accidentally cut someone off, try to apologize to the other driver with an appropriate gesture. If someone cuts you off, slow down and give them enough room to merge into your lane
DRIVING SLOWLY – If you are in the fast lane and someone wants to pass, move over and let them by. You may be “in the right” because you are traveling at the speed limit – but you may also be putting yourself in danger by making drivers behind you angry. Besides, it’s simple courtesy to move over and let other drivers by
TAILGATING – Drivers get angry when they are followed too closely. Allow at least a two second space between your car and the car ahead. (When you see the car pass a fixed point, you should be able to count at least “one-thousand, two thousand” before you pass that point. Ask me what happened in 2007 😛
If you think another car is driving too slowly, and you are unable to pass, pull back and allow more space, not less. That way if the car does something unexpected, you will have time to get out of the way
You should be able to see the headlights of the car behind you in your rear-view mirror. If you feel you are being followed too closely, signal and pull over to allow the other driver to go by
GESTURES – Almost nothing makes another driver angrier than an obscene gesture. Keep your hands on the wheel. Avoid making any gestures that might anger another driver, even “harmless” expressions of irritation like shaking your head
Be a cautious and courteous driver. Signal every time you merge or change lanes, and whenever you turn. Use your horn rarely, if ever. If you and another driver see a parking place at the same time, let that person have it. And if another driver seems eager to get in front of you, say “Be my guest.” When you respond this way, after a while, “be my guest” becomes your automatic response and you won’t be as offended by other driver’s rudeness
DON’T ENGAGE – One angry driver can’t start a fight unless another driver is willing to join in. You can protect yourself against aggressive drivers by refusing to become angry at them. Orator Robert Ingersoll said, “Anger blows out the lamp of the mind.” A person who is angry can do things they may later regret and that includes you. If you’re tempted to retaliate against another driver, think: “Would I want to fly in an airplane whose pilot was acting like this?” Think about what kind of crash your angry actions could cause. Then cool down and continue your trip
STEER CLEAR – Give angry drivers lots of room. A driver you may have offended can “snap” and become truly dangerous. If the other driver tries to pick a fight, put as much distance as possible between your vehicle and the other car, and then get away as quickly as possible. Do not, under any circumstances, pull off to the side of the road and try to settle things “man to man”
AVOID EYE CONTACT – If another driver is acting angry with you, don’t make eye contact. Looking or staring at another driver can turn an impersonal encounter between two vehicles into a personal duel. And once things get personal, the situation can get out of hand fast
ADJUST YOUR ATTITUDE – The most important actions you can take to avoid aggressive driving take place inside your head. By changing your approach to driving, you can make every trip more pleasant. Try these ideas for a pleasant change:
FORGET WINNING – For too many motorists, driving becomes a contest. Are you one of those drivers who allows the shortest possible time for a trip and then races the clock? If something happens to slow you down, do you get angry? The solution: Allow more time for your trip. You’ll be amazed at how much more relaxed you feel when you have a few extra minutes. So instead of trying to “make good time” try to “make time good.” Listen to soothing music or a book on tape. Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing. You’ll arrive much calmer, fresher, and in a less stressed-out frame of mind
PUT YOURSELF IN THE OTHER DRIVER’S SHOES – Instead of judging the other driver, try to imagine why he or she is driving that way. Someone speeding and constantly changing lanes may be a volunteer fireman, or a physician rushing to a hospital. Someone who jerks from one lane to another may have a bee in the car, or a crying baby. Whatever their reason, it has nothing to do with you. Stay cool and don’t take other driver’s actions personally
Thank you for posting this Jassi…I have always felt road rage is unnecessary. Just because you are driving a machine does not make you powerful. There is no point elevation your blood pressure when you can’t do anything about others behavior. Honking and swearing sitting in your car doesn’t make a difference to anyone. On the other hand good driving attitude gets reciprocated somewhere.
Road Rage in Dubai
It happens. Especially as the traffic builds, there are more traffic jams and then there are more frustrated drivers in Dubai. That, combined with the variety of nationalities bringing their own varied driving habits, and the relatively aggressive driving style that seems to rule in Dubai, means that potential for road rage is there. The most common version seems to be someone in the left-most lane of Sheikh Zayed road getting harrassed by someone behind them wanting to go faster with flashing headlights to indicate they should move over. Usually either the one in front moves or the one behind overtakes on the right and everyone is sort of content. Sometimes, depending on the temperature of one or both drivers, things can get a little more excited. If you’re being harrassed persistently, try phoning the police – they have their Al Ameen service (800-4-888) and the report-a-dangerous-driver number (800 4 353). Or tel 999 if it’s an emergency. A high-wasta driver will probably be able to overrule your complaint though.
Women (especially those with blond hair) might find they get more than their fair share of unwanted attention from some male drivers. Usually it’s an irritation rather than anything like serious road rage. Ignoring them is probably the best and easiest thing to do. If you’re feeling particularly threatened, you could try calling the Dubai Police Al Ameen service tel 800-4-888 (8004888), which is intended to help build a safer, more peaceful Dubai. Or something like that. Another number to try is the Dubai Police report-a-dangerous-driver number, tel 800-4-353 (8004353).
Most residents of Dubai will have a selection of pleasant and entertaining road rage stories to share with each other over a coffee or at a dinner party.To get additional info on this topic -
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