Inter/Advance Liwa 27/28 Jan

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  • January 16, 2017 at 2:06 pm #37853
    quote Saif:

    Another Viable option is to stay at Liwa Hotel Thursday Night

    Nice idea! Do u know prices?

    January 16, 2017 at 2:26 pm #37854

    I would be up for camping but will only get there late, work would finish around 6pm

    January 19, 2017 at 8:18 am #37882

    Liwa is fast approaching and so the time for vehicle servicing is needed. Please make sure your vehicle is up to the task. On this point please make sure you carry vehicle fluids etc. in case of emergency.

    Also, firewood is necessary and 1 bundle per person should be enough. If you can get more please feel free to bring. Plan ahead, leaving this until the night before will mean no wood and you will be banished from the fire as punishment …………..joking but its very important to bring. It will be freezing at night. Also, special marks to the person who brings marshmallows.

    January 20, 2017 at 9:23 am #37912
    quote Sebastien:

    Would any one want to leave the evening before around 5 or 6, and camp not far from the drive or a set meeting point ?
    that way we don’t wake at 3 for a full day drive.

    Hey Seb.

    We’re in for leaving Thursday eve!
    But the earliest we can do is 18:00.

    We could stop here (after 1h30) for a snak/dinner:

    January 22, 2017 at 5:21 am #37933

    Alright time to get set for Liwa

    I am up for camping Thursday night. I was planning/hoping to leave a bit early from my office ~4pm or so. I could either delay that until everyone else is ready or I could go down and scope out a campsite. Either way I am fine.

    Could we plan to meet at this petrol station at 1800?

    Gallo, Paul, Sebastien??? Anyone else keen for Thursday night camping?

    January 22, 2017 at 7:28 am #37938

    Hey Gents, I am in for camping the night before. Ideally, we should camp as close as possible to the meeting point, somewhere in Arada (we can get approximate coordinates from Duncan). But can’t leave Dubai before 8pm. I can meet you in Arada if you lave Dubai earlier.

    January 22, 2017 at 9:31 am #37940

    Agreed John that we camp close to the MP. All coordiantes have been posted by Duncan (look on the first page of this thread). Since you can only leave at 8pm I suggest you meet us down there. We will find a spot close to the MP and then share exact location with you.

    January 22, 2017 at 10:41 am #37941

    I hope everyone’s preparations are going well for liwa and all vehicles are in tip top shape for the trip.

    Quick update.

    I will after I finish this post change the meeting location to that of the last fuel pump which I previously posted. It is not practical to drive as a 23 car convoy down to Liwa and some members will be getting closer to the start on the Thursday evening. Therefore, meeting time will be 8.30am and we will depart the pumps at 9am., drive to deflation point and be underway but 9.45am.

    It is a 4 hour drive from Jebel Ali and so with a few stops on route I suggest you all leave no later than 4am. It is a long way to go to find we have left and I am not in the habit of waiting for 1 or 2 individuals who do not plan accordingly. Stern words I know but seriously we have a lot of tough ground to cover and I will not sacrifice everyone’s fun the sake or a few.

    I personally will be at Jebel Ali fuel station filling up at 4ish and if some members are doing likewise we can drive down in smaller convoys if people wish.

    We will have 2 convoys only for our drive with marshals split accordingly and I will post the convoys on Thursday morning once all registrations are complete. After day 1 if the Marshalls decide there may be some swapping but we shall see on the Friday night.

    Our aim to have fun and all come back in one piece. Of course we will tackle all in our path but not at the cost of safety.

    Any questions please shout. See you all Friday morning.

    January 23, 2017 at 5:09 am #37944

    I have created a WA chat for Thursday night campers. If you plan to camp thursday night, please let me know and I will add you.


    January 23, 2017 at 5:39 am #37945

    Anyone else coming with kids?
    (I have a 6 years old daughter)

    January 23, 2017 at 7:00 am #37946

    This is expected to be a rather extreme drive.
    I would never take my kids to Liwa. Even on newbie drive.

    January 25, 2017 at 1:39 pm #37964

    Hi all,

    This is the convoy allocation for day 1. There will be some interchanging for day 2 to be fair to all registered. Same is to be said of Marshalls who will also change. Marshall allocation will be given on Friday at the meeting point.

    PS – Please do not forget your charger for your walkie talkie or a spare battery for it. This is most important.

    Inter Convoy 1

    Paul FJCruiser
    Avinash Sudheer

    Advance Convoy 2


    See you all Friday bright and early…………

    January 25, 2017 at 3:54 pm #37966


    After long consideration and although I am very keen to join this, I am bailing out since I take you guys want to drive all day long.
    Which woudl be great for me. But not for my Daughter and Wife…

    I am very happy that you’ve been able to organize this! Sounds like lot of fun.

    We will be heading this week end to Star Dunes in Al Wagan for 2 days.
    Liwa for us will have to wait 10 Feb…

    Enjoy for me also!

    January 29, 2017 at 12:06 pm #38001

    Like expected, it was historical fantastic drive. :drive:
    It was full of challenge, fun and drama of course. 😀
    It’s type of action that positively affects you as driver and as person as well.
    That desert definitely deserves the fame and the repetition with majestic views specially from the tops.
    It spent great time there with great people like @matthewficco @Alex @JustDen @Paul_FJCruiser

    @Sebastien @Sahil4959 @Krister and @Saif :ymhug:
    :thanks: Thanks to @DuncanField for organizing and thanks to all the marshals for leading.
    :thanks: Special thanks to sweepers @Francis @JustDen @Sahil4959 for their great effort recovering everybody.


    January 29, 2017 at 3:17 pm #38002

    Many thanks to all the marshals and deputies and in particular Matt, Denis and Saif, Sahil and Francis, you were true legends, my co-drivers and Duncan for a great weekend of some crazy dunes and crazier people waiting to be rescued. It was a STEEP learning curve but great fun.

    The fact that you all do this in your own time so that drivers like me can enjoy the dunes is inspirational Thanks

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