Intermediate Starfish Dunes Overnight Trip to Oman.

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  • April 28, 2013 at 10:02 am #26195

    Fantastic :ymapplause: report Brian.

    This appears to be great trip you all had.; I envy you. Next time, I need to be there :drive:

    I am happy that your trip was not affected by the weather’s fury that swept all over the Hajar Mountains and the surrounding coastal areas.

    April 28, 2013 at 10:41 am #26201
    quote GKumar:

    Awesome ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happy to know that you guys had good fun ๐Ÿ™‚
    quote Ahmad Pervez:

    :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:
    What a drive
    Thanks To Ricardo for taking us all into a new area of unmatched beauty and savage brutality, too!!!
    =p~ =p~ =p~
    quote AJS:

    . Next time, I need to be there :drive:
    quote khshareef:

    Catch you next time…

    :thanks: Guys, it was an Awesome :drive: , it is thanks to Ricardo and and we will do it together again for sure :-BD

    April 28, 2013 at 10:45 am #26204

    Amazing trip report Brian!

    There is something mystical about this place. The gorgeous dunes of starfish, that become ‘curvier’ and more ‘voluptuous’ as you progress in your journey, are like sirens beckoning “come here, come here, one dune further, I am fancier than the previous”.

    They gave me a serious warning on my last trip one month ago when after a steep slip face my car stalled and refused to start. It was
    the fuel pump fuse that fortunately was quickly identified and replaced by one on the ‘mechanics’ in the team. This time around however the sirens aimed at the heart of my car, the cooling system. After a few attempts we could bring the temperature back to acceptable levels but it was clear that I had to call it a ‘trip’ on SF9 (there are 16 waypoints) and with the help of all the team, could head towards the nearest sabhka leading to the ‘scape point’. From there Tijn and I could easily reach the main road near to the UAE border while the rest of the group, now five cars, continued the adventure.

    Just back from the garage, it turned our it was the water pump. I was very lucky to be able to drive all the way back to Dubai:-)

    Many thanks to the team for the great driving and the good company. We will come back again!

    April 28, 2013 at 10:59 am #26206
    quote AJS:

    Fantastic :ymapplause: report Brian.

    This appears to be great trip you all had.; I envy you. Next time, I need to be there :drive:

    I am happy that your trip was not affected by the weather’s fury that swept all over the Hajar Mountains and the surrounding coastal areas.

    Its Indeed a fantastic area, one thats calling out AJS’s lead !!!!

    April 28, 2013 at 11:10 am #26208

    My commrades havent left much to the imagination, with their drive reports.

    I feel a few factors just made this trip my favourite of the Season:
    Fantastic weather with highs of about 26-27C
    Intermitant showers & low hanging clouds drove with the windows down and light jacket on most of the way.
    Nature of the Terrain being completely un-explored, tricky intricate patches with bowls and then The massive central dunes with jaw-dropping slip faces.

    Thanks Ricardo & Mr Chairman for organizing this trip & to all of the participants for making it an amazing one.

    April 29, 2013 at 4:03 am #26227

    great drive, great company and some awesome reports! this was my second visit to the starfish dunes and they are as challenging and beautiful as they were the first time. like the first time in these dunes i did not manage to finish the route leaving me feeling like a junky looking for his next shot.. I need to go back to the starfish dunes and finish this pesky trail!! chapeau for Ricardo for traversing throuh this terrain as the head of the 4×4 dragon and making it look so easy and of course chapeau to all the rest for following the lead with relative ease which says a lot about the quality of the drivers! Starfish is a very technical terrain and manages to surprise you at every corner and across every dune. I’m hooked and I’ll be back for more, aleays searching for my 4×4 fix.

    April 29, 2013 at 4:29 am #26231

    Wow! that must have been some trip. Brian, if you ever are looking at a career change, I believe author would be right up there ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

    April 29, 2013 at 4:41 am #26233

    Great drive, great people and some interesting twists…it’s indeed a memorable one in many respects.

    Thanks to Ahmed sir for organizing this trip; hats of to Ricardo for the first days lead.

    As I was following Tyn; I could see him climbing dunes and dunes with ease which made me feel more comfortable and follow his path easily…but had to deviate sometimes as adrenaline was pumping Tyn to do experiments sometimes ๐Ÿ˜‰

    We were all very relaxed knowing the presence of Fauji at the sweep :thanks: and thanks for the wonderful Barbeque… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks to Brian and Nikki for some of the most memorable moments and Carl aka plowboy for his wonderful company.

    Look forward joining more of these type of special and wonderful drives :drive:

    April 29, 2013 at 9:48 am #26271
    quote Saif:

    Its Indeed a fantastic area, one thats calling out AJS’s lead !!!!

    Insha Allah, next season

    April 29, 2013 at 9:59 am #26273
    quote AJS:

    quote Saif:

    Its Indeed a fantastic area, one thats calling out AJS’s lead !!!!

    Insha Allah, next season


    April 30, 2013 at 9:30 am #26315

    Nothing to add to the reports, but this was a great trip, and I hope all the vehicle problems get sorted out ๐Ÿ˜‰

    May 2, 2013 at 6:37 am #26404
    quote Tyn:

    great drive, great company and some awesome reports! this was my second visit to the starfish dunes and they are as challenging and beautiful as they were the first time. leaving me feeling like a junky looking for his next shot.. I need to go back to the starfish dunes and finish this pesky trail!! chapeau for Ricardo for traversing through this terrain as the head of the 4×4 dragon and making it look so easy and of course chapeau to all the rest for following the lead with relative ease which says a lot about the quality of the drivers! Starfish is a very technical terrain and manages to surprise you at every corner and across every dune. I’m hooked and I’ll be back for more,

    Nikki’s Photo’s of Starfish on FB

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