Medical Check Ups Yearly.

  • Author
  • June 16, 2008 at 6:08 am #125

    1. your medical history

    2. vital statistics (height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate)

    3. routine blood and urine tests to check for things like cholesterol and blood sugar levels

    4. skin examination to check for suspicious moles or growths

    5. eye examination to check vision, exposed blood vessels and the condition of the retina

    6. ear examination to check for infection and wax build-up

    7. heart examination to check heart rate, possibly an ECG (Electrocardiogram) to check for heart defects

    8. abdominal examination to check liver and spleen size, feel and listen to the bowel

    9. neck examination to listen for bruits (abnormal noises), blood flow and to check the thyroid gland

    10. lymph node check for abnormal swelling and tenderness

    11. checking nerve reflexes by tapping the knees, ankles and other points

    12. stool test for hidden (occult) blood

    13. breathing test to check lung capacity which can be affected by smoking, asthma or other conditions

    14. possible chest X-ray, depending upon circumstances (for example, smoking or history of heart or lung disease)

    June 16, 2008 at 8:32 am #4665

    Is that an offer? 😀

    June 16, 2008 at 8:56 am #4666

    Prevention is always better than cure…
    The modern human being is essentially a hunter gatherer…
    a. Have a good diet, making sure the system gets at least five servings of fruits/ vegetables.
    b. Drink at least 2 liters of water.
    c. Exercise regularly…at least 30 mins. of aerobics of one’s choice…
    d. Keep weight within the recommended medical limits…
    e. Avoid smoking, chewing tobacco or shisha… :blink: (sorry about that)
    f. Keep stress levels under control…by regularly going out with meoff….(are you listening Mohammed?)

    There are certain factors beyond one’s control, like genetics & then some individuals predisposition to excitability, but at least we can contribute our part to let this wonderful gift from God be kept in good running order… :dance:

    Then there are still some unfathomable s like Ali’s heart attack… :unsure:

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