Offroad Walkie Talkie FAQ

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  • October 11, 2019 at 2:58 am #43208
    quote sehgala post_id=49359 time=1570686760 user_id=24360:

    quote Dubasel post_id=48856 time=1561256490 user_id=25963:

    As a public service to other newbies, my “not pro” Motorola Talkabout radios with selectable channel only, worked with the group’s frequencies. Their range is “only” a few kms but it worked perfectly fine for me.

    I have a Motorola Talkabout unit (MG160A) as well. The standard frequencies on it match those posted above. However it does not have function to use Privacy codes. So wanted to check whether or not the group uses privacy codes in addition to the frequencies. If not than I am good to go otherwise will need to procure a better unit.

    Set Provacy Code to 0.

    October 24, 2019 at 4:51 am #43281

    Hi all.
    I just bought a Motorola MT-777
    I’ve programed all the frequencies but for channels 5, 8 and 12 instead of showing “5”as the small digit to the right of the programmable frequency it shows “25”

    EG for channel 1 it shows 462.562 with a small “5”to the right
    for channel 5 is shows 462.662 with a small “25”to the right

    Is this something to worry about?

    January 3, 2020 at 8:59 am #43450

    Hi there community,
    I’ve just stumbled across an interesting app called zello which operates over wifi or 4g/3g/ even 2g as it doesn’t consume a lot of data, and works as a walkie talkie. It’s free that’s why I see it as an interesting thing for the forum as it doesn’t require buying an actual walkie talkie. If all members on the day of the trip are on this app, no need for conventional WT…
    Just a suggestion…

    January 9, 2020 at 8:38 am #43465

    For those that might like to avoid a trip to DragonMart, there is a site I found where the chap will deliver and he was very helpful. I use the Crony 888 (nearly two years now) and it continues to do a good job. Somehow I managed to tune it in just before my first drive with DO but can’t for the life of me remember how I did it 🙂

    Here’s the site:

    They have a huge range and regular sales (I am in no affiliated but perhaps should get commission for this plug haha)

    October 14, 2020 at 3:23 am #44299
    quote Akawel post_id=39354 time=1452408572 user_id=24765:

    Got the walkie-talkie last week too. 😀

    Just a quick feedback to thank you all for the great information. It makes it much easier to get the right devices.

    I got the Motorola GP338+ from the shop at Dragon Mart (BAI-05). Price was 250 EAD with all frequencies installed.
    The guy is obviously used to see DO members. 🙂

    I also got the pole and flag the same day. Shop EBE-06 for 10 AED. There are suction cups available in the opposite shop for 15 AED.

    Now ready to join the next newcomers trip. Looking forward to it. :drive:

    Hi Akawel,

    Do you still have this pole, flag and suction cups? Is this shop and pieces still recommended? Getting kitted up with basics to go out with you guys soon.


    November 4, 2020 at 9:03 pm #44386

    Hi All,
    Next Friday is my first trip with the group.. any recommendations for the WT brand .. i am planning to got dragon mart tomorrow and i need guidance.. i been through the comments here and you may have any final recommendation to make it easy for me. Also the air pump .. any recommendations?

    November 5, 2020 at 4:14 am #44387
    quote Moh_2020 post_id=50735 time=1604523797 user_id=26675:

    Hi All,
    Next Friday is my first trip with the group.. any recommendations for the WT brand .. i am planning to got dragon mart tomorrow and i need guidance.. i been through the comments here and you may have any final recommendation to make it easy for me. Also the air pump .. any recommendations?

    Baofeng UV5R from Edragonmall , Dragon Mart 2.. Opposite of chili’s restaurant

    December 27, 2024 at 12:44 pm #280145

    Hello everyone,

    I am seeking some guidance.

    Walkie Talkies: Are there updated recommendations on which model to use?

    Compressor: Is the advice on the red Camels at DM still up to date? Are there other recommendations?

    I may have some more questions later, just getting started in the UAE. T


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