Part 2 – Newbie/Intermediate Drive – 21 Feb 14

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  • February 18, 2014 at 6:42 am #29103

    I am new to this group as well as to off-roading.

    Being new to off-roading, I am very excited but at the same time have few basic questions in my mind. I would appreciate if someone can help me out on followings queries:
    1) Please advise me the minimum equipment that I should purchase for Friday trip. I have gone through various threads but buying all listed equipment may be difficult in next one or two days.
    2) Do I need to buy any accessory or modify (in addition to equipment) my 4L 2013 Prado for safety?


    February 18, 2014 at 7:16 am #29104
    quote Abhi:

    I am new to this group as well as to off-roading.

    Being new to off-roading, I am very excited but at the same time have few basic questions in my mind. I would appreciate if someone can help me out on followings queries:
    1) Please advise me the minimum equipment that I should purchase for Friday trip. I have gone through various threads but buying all listed equipment may be difficult in next one or two days.
    2) Do I need to buy any accessory or modify (in addition to equipment) my 4L 2013 Prado for safety?


    Hi Abhishek,

    From my experience (experienced members may suggest better), for the Newbie drives, I would suggest most important equipments as:
    1- Walkie Talkie (Dragon Mart)
    2- Flag pole and Flag (Ramy 4×4)
    3- Tire deflator and pressure gauge (Dragon Mart)
    4- Inflator (Dragon Mart)

    Tc and See you soon

    February 18, 2014 at 7:41 am #29105

    Had a look at the Ramy 4×4 and think I will stop by on the way home from work.

    February 18, 2014 at 9:09 am #29107
    quote duli:

    quote Abhi:

    I am new to this group as well as to off-roading.

    Being new to off-roading, I am very excited but at the same time have few basic questions in my mind. I would appreciate if someone can help me out on followings queries:
    1) Please advise me the minimum equipment that I should purchase for Friday trip. I have gone through various threads but buying all listed equipment may be difficult in next one or two days.
    2) Do I need to buy any accessory or modify (in addition to equipment) my 4L 2013 Prado for safety?


    Hi Abhishek,

    From my experience (experienced members may suggest better), for the Newbie drives, I would suggest most important equipments as:
    1- Walkie Talkie (Dragon Mart)
    2- Flag pole and Flag (Ramy 4×4)
    3- Tire deflator and pressure gauge (Dragon Mart)
    4- Inflator (Dragon Mart)

    Tc and See you soon

    quote David Jarvis:

    Had a look at the Ramy 4×4 and think I will stop by on the way home from work.

    Trying to do two replies in one, Firstly Abhishek:

    Duli is absolutely correct :yesss: , you can trim out most stuff except the radio that is a must FOR YOUR SAFETY AND FUN, go to ShengDa Trading in DM get a Motorola 338plus and don’t leave the shop without getting them to programme the radio with our channels, see Topic on this under Technical articles, However she has the frequencies on a list I gave her last year and will do this if you ask her, the radio is around 275 these days I think
    To find ShengDa use entrance EB go to main alleyway then left towards electronics turn in to electronic section via 2nd entrance t this section it is a small shop which has two entrance first alleyway on left…but you need to search if you miss it first time, I did a post about a year ago on this hop so if you search the site with Shengda you may find the shop number,
    There are several ways of fixing your flag and putting this together, Ramy 4×4 being one option

    , Ramy have some good kit for Jeepers including flags and brackets which can be quickly setup, you should get a small discount from them push anyway Megan is a DO member but she’s in the Al Quoz garage warehouse, anyway pressurize Rollover Sam he’s the de facto shop boss but not in the management team, a Lebanese father, son and grandfather triumvirate. Quite difficult to park, if no space outside go to the other side of the street there are a number of easily accessible back street slots over that way. I got 410 parking fine here a while back for doing a 2wheels on the sidewalk number ๐Ÿ˜

    It’s a good shop wih lots of kit ..just a bit pricy but you can save on shoe rubber, get their loyalty card whilst you are in there. Another much smaller outlet is Icon Autos in Al Quoz they have a website, it’s also popular with Jeepers for all kinds of mods and kit.

    Everybody – tow straps are ok but but but nowhere never as good as a Kinetic rope,

    Our Marshal Saif has a source and can get them made up for around 250 a pop but has a minimum order level, Saif is travelling for the next couple of days, so don’t worry too much about this item ...Radio is the one thing you really really need. :yesss:

    Just a last word if you buy the radio and find after your first drive the sand is not for you, which I seriously doubt as it’s quite addictive, then the radio investment can easily be recovered via these pages

    February 18, 2014 at 9:14 am #29108

    Thanks for all your help Brian it really is highly appreciated.

    If the sand isn’t for me then I think I will have more to worry about than buying a walkie talkie!

    February 18, 2014 at 5:38 pm #29114
    quote brianj:

    quote David Jarvis:

    Need to get my 1000km out of the way and get my service then I will be straight into the desert.

    Just need to get the remainder of my offroading equipment.

    Hi David, you can get yr 1k out of the way in a single weekend visit to Muscat, a worthwhile cultrual thing to do anyway,if you go via Al Ain and Jebel Akhdar at 2100 mts stop for lunch and continue to Muscat for supper, returning next day or a day later…. :yesss: that’s your ‘run in’ period.

    I didn’t think that was still necessary these days ๐Ÿ˜• with the modern Pentastar engine, just an oil change?

    Anyway I digress, for a list of offroad gear go here http://www.dubaioffroadlive.local/forums/viewtopic.php?f=16&p=28024#p28024

    I can’t speak for all the Marshall’s as our gear varies and has been built up over a period of time and a personal selection. However below list is a good start point.

    Personally I carry the following all the time, with additions for overnight exploration trips. Its a constantly evolving equation, I upgrade as I find more efficient or more compact solutions

    :yesss: :yesss: But don’t buy all one shot…Buy the essentials first and keep collecting your offroad toys ๐Ÿ˜‰

    February 19, 2014 at 12:48 pm #29116

    Wow…. We have optimus prime registered for the drive….Something Exciting… :-w :-w :-w

    Looks like fun and nice drive with plenty of marshals onboard ….

    February 20, 2014 at 4:02 am #29118

    I’d like to join the afternoon drive only. Thanks.

    February 20, 2014 at 4:31 am #29119
    quote Minaz:

    I’d like to join the afternoon drive only. Thanks.

    Hi Minaz, That’s fine, please just click the register button on page one. Thanks and see you tomorrow.

    February 21, 2014 at 5:33 am #29125

    I will be there.

    February 21, 2014 at 5:31 pm #29126

    Trip Report

    It was a great drive we started from badayar shops and ended on same place. Drive starts at 2.30 pm with 14 cars and first stuck at 2:32 PM drive start again and stuck again at 2:35 start again and stuck at 2:38 pm so on. start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop……………………………….
    we got stuck on each and every dune even on straight tracks.

    I hope every one enjoyed a lot…..

    :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

    :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

    February 21, 2014 at 6:50 pm #29127
    quote Faraz Sharif:

    Trip Report

    It was a great drive we started from badayar shops and ended on same place. Drive starts at 2.30 pm with 14 cars and first stuck at 2:32 PM drive start again and stuck again at 2:35 start again and stuck at 2:38 pm so on. start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop……………………………….
    we got stuck on each and every dune even on straight tracks.

    I hope every one enjoyed a lot…..

    :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

    :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

    yeah for real =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

    February 21, 2014 at 6:57 pm #29128

    Excellent turnout at the Badayer Shops…including a number of members who had not registered for the drive!!!
    The convoy was divided into 2 with Duncan taking care of the Newbie/ Fewbie group comprising of 14 cars with Zareer, Faraz and Mathews in support and apparently this group saw a lot of action…though, not necessarily the adrenaline pumping kind… ๐Ÿ™
    The other convoy totaling 8 cars was to try & keep pace with the fast & furious FJ (22114) Cruiser with Rakesh in the sweep & your’s truly in the 2nd lead behind Zakariya.
    The instructions were simple…cover as many of the taller Dunes in Area 53 in the shortest distance and be back at Badayer before Sundown…and I am glad to report that we left tracks on all the taller crests in the area, including the top of Iftaar bowl, pyramids, super bowl as well as Sony Ericsson, with barely a hitch…literally speaking!!!
    It was a fast paced, exciting drive…as all drives should be.
    Congratulations are due to Zakariya on his maiden lead and even more felicitations are due to the group of 8 who were able to keep with the fast moving, ever climbing FJ!!!
    :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

    February 21, 2014 at 9:40 pm #29129
    quote Faraz Sharif:

    Trip Report

    It was a great drive we started from badayar shops and ended on same place. Drive starts at 2.30 pm with 14 cars and first stuck at 2:32 PM drive start again and stuck again at 2:35 start again and stuck at 2:38 pm so on. start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop……………………………….
    we got stuck on each and every dune even on straight tracks.

    I hope every one enjoyed a lot…..

    :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

    :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

    Hahaha i could manage to get a 5:08 second video that was the longest we drove without stopping will upload it soon! Anyways a pretty hectic afternoon for the sweepers Zarir, Sanjay and the rest who helped! Good work guys. :thanks: :drive:

    February 22, 2014 at 3:14 am #29130

    Nice relaxed evening drive with some great company,Zarir and Sanjay did an excellent sweep and recovery duty and like Faraz mentioned were really kept busy throughout the drive.Thanks Duncan for organizing and everyone for the great company,hope to see guys soon in the sand.

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