Shall I suggest

  • Author
  • December 27, 2009 at 5:35 pm #747

    I just wanted to throw my two cents about the visual changes being made to the website. Its definitely a continuous process to change the look and feel of the website but making so many changes in a small amount of time is never a good idea. I think we should stick to one agreed upon design for some time before making any major changes. Cause if there are many changes the user gets confused and frustrated. I’ll give an example to back up my comment. The new changes those were introduced just recently, I couldnt find the “new posts” unless I pressed on forums to see the required link. Its just a small thing but for me as a user thats been the most important button to see if some new activity has taken place on any forum.

    I hope my comment will be taken in positive manner. I could also assist further if required.

    December 27, 2009 at 5:48 pm #12395

    Yes you can suggest, and the suggestion is taken positively. There will be no more changes made to the website. The website will remain the same and we will improve on it. Your suggestions are always welcome. Feel free to give them here or on my email. The old skin was giving problems and Abba wanted a cleaner looking skin, i understand what you have to go through every time we change it, we are just trying to make it better for you. But this skin will stay and as i am the only one who codes MEO, you can trust my word on this 🙂

    December 27, 2009 at 8:07 pm #12396

    Adeel Bhai I second you…the last changes were very confusing…
    For me Function is more important than form !!!
    These are ready made skins so there is not much that one can do…

    This current skin is very simple, let’s check out the functionalities…

    If they are okay, let’s stick with this.

    December 28, 2009 at 4:07 am #12397

    Infact I found the last Skin more simpler and Pleasent to eyes with beautful fonts.

    December 28, 2009 at 5:39 am #12398

    Its not the skin but the navigation that bothered me. Moreover as agreed in this thread we would stick to one simple format for some time so that people could navigate through the site easily.

    December 28, 2009 at 7:24 am #12399

    well both the designs look almost similar to me. I didnt have much problem navigating around any of the designs.Ofcourse any new design takes a while to get used to.
    but i liked the previous color. the series of colors used in this new design looks too dull and lifeless. try to do mix of colors rather than using different shades of same color like blue or brown etc.

    December 28, 2009 at 8:12 am #12400

    This themse looks like any of other thousands of Forums, nothing unique, the earlier one was unique, and I didnt find any dificulty in navigating that.

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