Wind of change

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  • November 22, 2012 at 6:01 am #20364
    quote Ahmad Pervez:

    All the participants are requested to please provide the details of the GPS that they will be using in the GPS challenge. The details should include Make & model of the GPS including its capability to record tracks.
    We will have a briefing for all the participants 1-2 days prior to the event, the exact details for the briefing venue & schedule will be communicated later.
    The participating teams will have to deposit their proposed GPS with the DO Staff at the time of the aforementioned briefing.
    The GPS will then be handed over to the Participating teams just before the start of the event, after being initialised & with the correct set up for the Challenge.

    1-Any update ….?
    2-What about Juma Prayer..? :-\

    November 22, 2012 at 1:11 pm #20366
    quote desert knight:

    quote Andy19:

    Team 7- Radio Frequency – 462.7125 (Channel 7)
    1. Andy
    2. Rahul
    3. Imran

    Imran – I have tried your contact number but it appears to be one digit short! Please post in this thread or give me a call to confirm your attendance.

    Rahul – Not sure which is your user name mate so can’t find your number – same detail as above call me or post here to confirm for Friday!



    Imran has confirmed – still waiting to hear from Rahul, if anyone is in contact with him can they ask him to call me or post his confirmation in this thread? Thanks.

    andy rahul is going to come back today from india if he is not there then we will give u another team mate ……. :thanks:

    No problems – see you there!

    November 22, 2012 at 5:16 pm #20367

    All the very bests guys, drive safe and have good fun. See u all tomorrow :-BD

    November 22, 2012 at 6:31 pm #20368

    Good luck guys! I’m sad I have to miss this. Make it a fun and fair challenge!

    November 23, 2012 at 7:26 pm #20371

    I missed this fun……

    November 24, 2012 at 11:06 am #20373

    An Awesome Event!!! The event was such a grand success that we all DOs can be really proud and can boast about it for a long time. Congratulations to all DOs on account of this great achievement – added another feather to the hat of success :-BD :ymapplause:

    Well, an event like this cannot happen overnight. The wheels started rolling months ago. It requires planning and a birdโ€™s eye for details. Dubai Offroaders have been fortunate enough to be backed by a team of very motivated and dedicated colleagues who are always happy to shoulder responsibilities and highly result oriented :-BD All of them deserves special appreciation for their involvement and willingness to take on the completion of tasks beyond their comfort zones ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ A very special thanks to our sponsors (Apollo Tyres and TSL International), who partnered with us for making the event a grand success. Without their involvement, the event would not have been as grand as it was :thanks:

    Final phase preparations of GPS challenge started with the marshal run on Thursday evening in two teams with the task of placing DO flags at the coordinate points. Ali Tushar and myself covered Phase 1 flag points reaching the tarmac by around 6.30pm. Second phase task was executed by Ahmed Bhai, Sam and Khalil.

    On the event day morning, as planned the competing convoys were lined up followed by a detailed briefing by Chairman and Chief. We marshals were on a different look in our new uniform resembling F1 pit crew :p Thanks to all who worked for this and a special thanks our Hulk for his creative involvement :-BD :thanks:

    As scheduled the first convoy was flagged off at 9am itself by Chairman followed by other convoys at every 5 minutes interval after equipment check by the marshals. In between two Mobile Recovery Team were also flagged off for convoy support. Thanseer and Khalil comprised the 1st MRT, Satwinder and myself were the 2nd MRT.

    On reaching the 1st flag point we could notice couple of convoys roaming around in sands searching for the flag ๐Ÿ˜ฎ We confirmed the unavailability of the flag at point number 1 and cleared the convoys to proceed to point no:2. I am sorry for Ashok’s convoy for wasting lot of time searching for the flag till we arrived at 1st flag point.

    My MRT partner lost his patience at 1st flag point, collected a copy of the coordinates and cruised into the dunes. I had to wait for sometime at flag point 1 to clear the convoys and then went to flag point 2 thinking how come the flag is missing at point no:1 which we placed very late in the previous day afternoon and was away from tracks. On the way to 2 flag point spent some time with Syed Bhai’s convoy removing Xterra’s bumper.

    Waited at flag point 2 for few convoys to arrive. I was very shortly joined by Amjed’s and Syed Bhai’s convoys. This waiting proved very useful and also could figure out why the flag was missing at point no:1 :)) Amjed’s convoy arrived at flag point 2 and the lead was straight away pulling out the flag pole. They were literally following the initial post “GPS Challenge – Capture the Flag” :)) They missed the briefing session and also didn’t notice participant guidelines, hence was on a mission to collect all flags =))

    Moved to the 3rd flag point and there was only a pole without flag :p Was wondering whether there is any more convoys trying to “Capture Flags” :)) I believe this was the tricky stretch of very soft sand patches, high dunes and tricky bowls. On the way to 3rd point noticed Rob’s and Humayun’s convoy on few recovery missions by their own. Very well done guys :ymapplause:

    A very striking point was the marshals were the least preferred by the convoys in this drive, since there is a 10 minute penalty if a marshal support the convoy for recovery :)) So I was like an unwanted soul roaming around, alone in the desert :))

    But very soon I became the most wanted ;;) On my way to 4th flag point, received a radio message from one of the convoys that there is a family very badly stuck and requires help. Personally, I was happy on receiving the task, aborted the drive to the next flag point and went on for quick search. I could locate them in a short while. I spotted a brand new Nissan Patrol with 3 guys, a lady and child. They were few locals from Al Ain who were camping at a nearby location after visiting their farm.

    The story was interesting but infortunate ๐Ÿ˜ฎ They were 4 cars in total when they started in the morning to catch tarmac after overnight camping. 1st car (an old Nissan Patrol) was badly stuck couple of dunes away. Leaving their servant with the 1st stuck car, they tried to move in 3 cars. 2nd car (land cruiser) got badly stuck in a sinking soft sand patch just after a dune. Using short snatch strap they tried to recover it with another land cruiser. They couldn’t recover the 2nd car and the 3rd car also ran into trouble as its engine broke with oil spilled all around. Then everybody got into one car (Nissan Patrol which i spotted first) and made an attempt to catch tarmac.

    Since I dont have a backup, confirmed with 1st MRT that they are within my radio range. Shared few water bottles with them, reduced the tyre pressure to 7psi and then pulled the Patrol out in first attempt. The guys joined in my car and we went to locate the other two cars, which were just two dunes away. Same tactics, easily pulled out the second car as well. By then the 1st car came to us and I was told by him that Rob recovered him. Great job Rob, appreciates your helping attitude even though you were participating in a competition ^:)^ :ymapplause: I did receive their thanks very happily changed the mode to my original task to reach flag point 4 :ymblushing:

    Reached 4th flag point and took a short break. I was very shortly joined by Amjed’s convoy.

    On the way to 5th flag point, spotted Amjed’s and Humayun’s convoys.

    Waited at flag point 5 for a while and proceeded to 6th flag point.

    On the way met the 1st MRT who were observing a recovery of Rob’s convoy ๐Ÿ˜€ They had a funny incident of chasing a wrong car :)) May be SIR or Khalil will share the details. On reaching 6th flag point was happy to see my MRT partner, responsibly carrying out the task of distributing 2nd phase way points to those who could manage to reach the checkpoint within the stipulated time ๐Ÿ™‚

    Covered the flag points of second phase together with 1st MRT and reached the finishing line – Al Faqqa ADNOC ๐Ÿ™‚

    I didnt see at all 2 convoys through out my drive – Jayesh & Gerry. Hope you guys opted an entirely different route that what I drove. On a personal note, i enjoyed this long drive as it was a lonely exploration of tricky dunes with a blank mind without any responsibilities and recovery tasks :p ๐Ÿ™‚

    Indeed, the DO’s can be proud of what we together achieved in this GPS Challenge :-BD No doubt the terrain we chose for the challenge is one of the toughest area near to Dubai. Therefore the teams were put on for a big challenge, to achieve their objectives, while keeping our motto high โ€œSafe Funโ€
    All teams did a splendid and safe job authenticating the fact that at Dubai Offroaders, we train and develop responsible offroaders. It is due to this difference, Dubai Offroaders is having the fast expanding member strength with all its drives a great success, may be the most number of successful drives :-BD :ymapplause: :ymblushing: ๐Ÿ˜ก

    Hearty Congratulations to the Winners, Kashmir, Khadi, Syed Hassan, Dilan, Krishnan, Ashok, Mahan, Aravind :ymparty: :ymparty: :ymparty: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: It doesnโ€™t matter at all for other teams who couldnโ€™t make upto the podium. It was all about safe fun at a risky terrain and in that aspect all convoys are definitely winners :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

    Thanks and Congratulations to all who worked for organizing such a successful event Ali, Sam, Tushar and Satyen :thanks: :ymapplause: :ymhug:
    Need to say here thanks for the voluntary support from Krishnan, taking in charge of the catering and our own “Pull Master” Yousef for all his efforts and support :thanks:

    Thank you all once again for all your participation and contributions, request and anticipate your continued support for the success of all future ventures and events of Dubai Offroaders :thanks:

    Always drive safe, have great fun. :drive:

    We need more reports, probably from each convoy leads to summarize the whole event since the drive perception will be different for each convoy :YMBRINGITON: ๐Ÿ™‚

    November 24, 2012 at 12:00 pm #20374

    Tiger one of the best trip report, actually i cud not put the whole drive in words, was just thinking again and again about the gps challange and keep on smiling that I actually did it allthough completed at the 5th position but I actualy did had fun during the whole drive. My team mates did a wonderful drive, even though i never drove with them before, it was their trust in the lead that we cud complete all the waypoints.
    I thanks DO, founder, marshals and all members of DO for their efforts in all drives.
    I am really proud to mention that I am a family of DO!

    3 cheers to DO!

    November 24, 2012 at 2:25 pm #20375

    Wow! Amazing report Kumar. :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

    Now, I will try mine, which will give a bit more details than usual.
    This is Team 2’s report:
    Zarir with his wife, FJ and Garmin Montana; Shabeer in his Suzuki Vitara, and I in my Patrol with 3 GPS’ 2 – Garmin Nuvi’s and my wife =)) =)) (that was Kumar’s comment ๐Ÿ˜€ )

    Start! Where do we go? No idea, but lets hit the dunes! Yeah!! First time leading…Ale a bit nervous, but very focused on the coordinates and helping navigating through the dunes.
    Yeah! We made it to first flag!

    Lets go for the second one!

    No problem….we have a winch….so lets keep going…………what is this? An UFO? Superman? No! It is Shabeer flying in his Suzuki!

    With that speed, we reached second flag in no time!

    And so on….flag after flag

    Stuck after stuck….

    Rescuing a local…lost 1 hour…..

    Resuing Khalil….lost another hour…..

    Stopped and thought about cleaning it, but changed our minds because could lose 3 hours…..

    Finally reached the end point….waited….waited…waited….and….HE IS HERE! Now we can eat!!!!….

    Hey! Whos is that one?

    Looks like Shabeer was very happy, and should be because he drove amazingly…

    And Zarir as always a very god driver, future rescue Guru, and excellent team player

    And let me now introduce you to THE WINNERS of the 5th Position

    November 24, 2012 at 3:39 pm #20376

    Please post the teams who were winners and others in sequence please so all can remember their positions achieved as a memory of this great drive!

    November 24, 2012 at 3:57 pm #20378
    quote Amjed:

    ….allthough completed at the 5th position ……3 cheers to DO!

    Just for clarification…Team 2 (my team) ended up in 5th position, yours was 6th….. ๐Ÿ˜€

    November 24, 2012 at 3:58 pm #20379
    quote Robinson:

    Thanks Rob for this picture :thanks: Its my dream car :ymblushing: may got for it in near future ;;)
    Its just a pickup, no luxury, but those who experienced it in sand will agree with me its performance :-BD

    November 24, 2012 at 4:08 pm #20380

    Also a big thanks to Apollo

    November 24, 2012 at 4:12 pm #20381

    Excellent catch up and good pics Rob…

    Of course Mr. Zarir was excellent in rescuing us… specially while i stucked on the crest in 2nd phase and Mr. Ro in 1st phase…

    Rob, you deserve all the credit in leading us the route to 5th position with excellent back up from Mr.Zarir…

    Wish to be with you guys in next challenge In sha Allah.

    November 24, 2012 at 5:17 pm #20383
    quote Robinson:

    quote Amjed:

    ….allthough completed at the 5th position ……3 cheers to DO!

    Just for clarification…Team 2 (my team) ended up in 5th position, yours was 6th….. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Rob thanks for the clarification, thats the reason im requesting to list all the completed teams , winners and the others who cud not complete all the waypoints!


    November 24, 2012 at 6:14 pm #20384

    Rob ๐Ÿ™‚ Funny report indeed ๐Ÿ™‚

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